Piece by piece – When the Picture Emerges

Looking back at my life this time, I realized that my dream had come true. I was working with Native American children and sharing my passion and skills with them. I was making a difference in their lives, and they were making a difference in mine. I was not just a volunteer; I was a friend. I was not just a helper; I was part of a family and finally home.

Have you ever wondered why you have all these experiences throughout your life that don’t particularly fit together at the time to create a picture you can put together in your mind’s eye? Then, one day, as you sit back and look at your educational journey, both academic and metaphysical, you begin to see a fuzzy picture out there. It’s still unclear enough to discern what you see.

You start looking for a base to build this picture on – where did it begin? When did it start? How long had it been there? I have been a jack of all trades, working in various areas of interest and employment. How do I even begin to sort this pile of dreams out?

I start from this moment and work backward. I trust my Creator God, my source, the universe . . . to bring forth that which I need to know. And here is how it unfolds:

I am a writer at heart; I always have been, knowing the importance of stories to preserve history and who we are, where we have been, and where we are going. It is all in the stories we tell about ourselves. Whether or not we use a filter is unimportant – what is essential is writing down who we are from our soul’s perspective. We must ask ourselves who our soul sees us as. So, I asked my soul, “Who do you see me as?”

You have a dream in your heart.

To help the children heal and grow.

You have a gift in your hands.

To write and advocate for their rights.


You have a journey ahead of you.

To learn and respect their culture and history.

You have a challenge before you.

To overcome trauma and adversity.

The picture began to clear – I spent five years in the past as a CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) volunteer and director; both positions brought me into direct contact with children who had suffered traumatic experiences. I spent hours advocating for their rights, giving them a voice when they had none.

I have been a healer for most of my life, learning some of the many different healing modalities available to all. I have come from being a Reiki Master, homeopathic, plant spirit medicine, and herbs to Arcturian Healing Therapies and muscle-testing the body for all its needs.

While I have written all my life, I can now say, “I am a writer.” The stories are no longer just my own; they are yours as well. They are the stories of those I meet who touch my soul in a way I can’t, now, describe.

When I received conclusive evidence that I did have Cherokee blood (1/16th), something in me changed – a new light was ignited. The Native American Spirituality course I took for my doctorate opened my eyes to the struggles and hardships of the Native Americans. They have endured a long history of violence and oppression from the colonizers and the church as the original inhabitants of this land. Maybe my Cherokee forebears went through some of those atrocities. Even though they are now citizens of a powerful and prosperous nation (which is losing its prestige due to its political correctness and social justice movements), they still face poverty and marginalization on their reservations.

Despite their suffering and injustice, they have preserved their spiritual connection with God and the Earth. They understand the interdependence of life and its significance in the grand design of the Divine. The children are educated to respect and cherish all of God’s creation. My new revelation has stirred a spark in me, urging me to repay in some manner the ancestors who accompany me and those who live now, striving to mend the past and present wounds.       

I have finally seen the picture, no longer fuzzy and undiscernible, but rather clear and pointing the way. I hope to be working as a volunteer soon with one of the tribes here in Arizona – working with the children and teaching them how to write their stories to heal their own trauma and adversities.

All those many different jobs, counseling courses, learning how to put together a plan to teach writing to children, and understanding the humanistic side of man have enabled me to step forward in confidence and self-completeness, knowing that I am well prepared to meet this challenge.  

You have a lot of work to do.

But you have the passion and the skills.

You have a lot of hope to give.

But you have the faith and the will.


You can do this, my friend.

You can make a difference in their lives.

You can do this, my friend.

You can achieve your goals and thrive.

                                                                       Your Soul

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